BLOG | Ashley Fisher


Dreams to Reality
June 7, 2019

As a little girl, the question was always, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I would answer, “a princess”, or, “a nurse.” As I got older, my answer changed. I thought maybe I could be a pediatrician or a teacher. I was not exactly sure what I wanted to do; I had many ideas, but never settled on one. Now that I am in my second year of college, with a little more knowledge and experience under my belt, I finally have a solid answer. I want to be an immigration lawyer. I want to help those who cannot help themselves; I want to be an advocate for others. 

When I first considered law school, or even being a lawyer, I considered specializing in family law. My mother had gone through a very long, difficult, and emotionally damaging divorce when I was in my early teens. Had it not been for her lawyer’s tremendous work, my life would not be where it is now. I may not have even enrolled in college. Her lawyer worked endlessly to ensure that the law took care of my brother and me. The impact my mother’s lawyer had on my life was, and is still, inspiring. Because of him, I decided I wanted to go to law school. For awhile, I wanted to be just like him. I wanted to help other children who were in the midst of tough divorces between their parents, the same way my mother’s lawyer helped me. 

Though I still want to help children, the area of law I want to specialize in has changed. I want to focus on immigration law because it helps children and their families on a much more substantial level. Immigration has become a very relevant, difficult topic. I think many people fail to realize that whether he or she is an immigrant themselves, this situation affects everyone. 

No man, woman, or child deserves to have their family torn apart because they are from another country - regardless of legal status. When you strip away socio-economic status, race/ethnicity, and every other socially defined characteristic, we are all the same.  Todos somos humanos verdad? 

My dream is to help as many families as I can, in any and every way possible. As a lawyer, I know I will have the ability to advocate for others who cannot do so for themselves. I know I cannot change the world, but if I can change the world for even just one family, my dream will have become a reality. 

Conquering the Challenges of the First Year of College
May 19, 2016

Being a Fellow in LAW SCHOOL … Sí Se Puede has been one of the best experiences of my life.  Over just a short amount of time, I have been able to build a strong support system with my mentors.  The relationship I have with them is more than just an “academic advisor/ academic support” relationship.  My mentors have become a support system in my personal life as well. They check to make sure I’m doing okay in my academic and personal life.

In my first year of college, I have gone through many challenges, from struggling with classes, to struggling with the social life on campus, to even personal struggles at home.  Nonetheless, I had my mentors’ support every step of the way.  I think the best advice they gave me was to focus on what’s going on in my life now, enjoy college, and worry about the future later. Yes, they still wanted me to keep my mind on the end goal, which was to attend law school, but they did not want me to overly stress about it.

My first semester was pretty challenging.  It was the first time I had been away from home, I was taking classes in large 500 seat auditoriums (which was extremely different from my high school classes with 20 students), and I was also working two jobs.  Taking classes in large auditoriums was very different for me, and as a result I struggled.  Of course my first reaction to struggling in class was, “I’m not going to get into law school with a grade like this on my transcript!”  My mentors laughed and said everything would be fine.  After talking to them, we made a plan of action with steps I needed to take in order to be successful in my class.  I needed to talk to TA’s, go to office hours, take more notes and, if all else failed, I needed to find a tutor.  Finding a tutor was the best decision I had made.  I was able to pass my final exam and class with the grade I’d wanted.

Enjoying college was also a huge concern for my mentors. They were a bit worried about me mostly spending time either studying or working.  I hardly ever had any free time.  “You’re growing up too fast Ash, make sure you enjoy your college experience and take full advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.  Take classes you’re interested in, even if they have nothing to do with law.  You could even join a recreational sport, just do something!  You need to find a way to escape from work and school sometimes.”  I took this advice full heartedly, and now I try to make time for myself.  At least once a week I set aside a few hours for myself that does not involve homework or anything work related.  I am truly grateful for the wonderful mentors LAW SCHOOL … Sí Se Puede has brought into my life, and I look forward to what the future holds for us all.


“Sí, Se Puede” is a phrase born of farmworkers, who, under the leadership of the UFW, César Chávez, and Dolores Huerta, fought valiantly for equal protection under the law. As a result of the efforts of the UFW, “Sí, Se Puede” has become well known as a call that engenders hope and inspiration in those who face similar battles. We thank the UFW, whom we acknowledge to be the sole and exclusive owner of the Trademark SI SE PUEDE, for granting us a limited license to use“Sí, Se Puede” in connection with our efforts to recruit, in Colorado, students of Hispanic or Latino descent for our law school pipeline program. For more information about the programs offered by the UFW, please see UFW’s webpage (; UFW Foundation’s webpage (; and UFWF’s immigration services webpage (