BLOG | Frida Silva


My Greatest Benefit from Participating in LSYWC
July 2, 2019

I have to credit the career opportunities I have been able to have in my collegiate experience to Law School Yes We Can (LSYWC). LSYWC has an extensive network which I have gratefully benefited from. It has helped me build connections and establish credibility in the early stages of my career.    

During my first year in college, I had mentioned to Judge Arguello during lunch that I was interested in interning for Colorado’s General Assembly. She told me that she was friends with the Speaker of the House at the time, Speaker Crisanta Duran, and asked if I would be interested in interning for her. She then connected me with her executive assistant and that ultimately led to a job offer that I proudly took. I was flabbergasted by the opportunity that had landed on my lap unexpectedly that day. 

During that summer, I worked for Speaker Duran conducting community and constituent outreach. I learned about the legislative process and the work that was done during that year’s session. I was always in awe of the building that I worked in and was proud that I was interning in an environment that I saw myself serving in the future. 

Shortly after my internship ended that summer, I was called back again by Speaker Duran’s executive assistant asking if I would like to come back as a legislative aide for the 2018 legislative session. I was caught off guard again by the opportunity that was presented to me and immediately accepted the position. Instead of being an intern during a quiet summer at the capital, I was going to be a legislative aide getting paid to work an intensive, fast-paced legislative session.

LSYWC has also created outside partnerships that have provided fellows with additional career and internship opportunities. One of those partnerships is with Molson Coors. This year, I applied for the Molson Coors Legal Internship program and received one of the positions that were offered to the fellows. This summer, I am excited to be a part of Molson Coors’s Legal Team and learn about the brewing industry, contract law, and international corporate social responsibility. 

The career opportunities I have had speak to LSYWC’s commitment to preparing fellows to go into the field of law. These opportunities come from the networks that the program has established through its mentors, leadership board, and partnerships. Having this resource is an incredible opportunity because sometimes it takes an introduction from someone from the program like Judge Arguello to open that first door for you. 

A Change in Plans
June 7, 2019

When I applied to Law School Yes We Can (LSYWC), I had no intention of applying to Law School. I originally applied to Law School Yes We Can to learn about different careers in law, grow professionally, expand my network, and to gain new skills. I thought this program would be a great opportunity to allow me to be acquainted with a different field of study while still studying my political science major at CU Denver. I was content with learning about law while maintaining my original career path in mind, but my plans have slightly derailed and I am excited about this new direction I have taken. My initial plan after receiving my undergraduate degree was to go straight to graduate school and get my master degree in public administration.

Afterwards, I would go straight to the state capital and work as a legislator. This was my plan in its most basic and simplistic form. The thing that I am learning more and more about plans, is that sometimes plans don’t always go as one would like and you must adapt with a new change. I am learning that change is okay and is not necessarily a bad thing. I am starting to realize this as I get older and through my college experience.

In the previous workshop I attended, there was an open panel of three young lawyers who had graduated law school not too long ago. I appreciated the diverse panel and I enjoyed picking their brain about law, law school, and professionalism. During the panel, there were several things that one of the panelists said that stood out to me. He expressed how not to get too caught up when your career plans change or when you discover that you are more passionate about something. He also expressed to not be afraid to try new things, it might not seem appealing at first but, you might find that you actually like this new way of thinking, of doing, and of creating. Therefore, my career plans derailed. 

Being an active fellow of LSYWC, I have gained a great interest in the many work opportunities in the field of law. I slowly came to a self-affirmation that even though going to law school was not set on my action plan, it is not too late and is worth perusing. After I got this personal confirmation, I felt happy and content to pursue law school and to take my education in any direction I wanted to. Although this might be an early call in my career, it is something I will go after, further explore, and work hard for. I am thrilled to be part of a program like LSYWC where I have the support of my peers, my mentors, Judge Arguello, and the many others who contribute, to continue my journey in high education and in my career path.


“Sí, Se Puede” is a phrase born of farmworkers, who, under the leadership of the UFW, César Chávez, and Dolores Huerta, fought valiantly for equal protection under the law. As a result of the efforts of the UFW, “Sí, Se Puede” has become well known as a call that engenders hope and inspiration in those who face similar battles. We thank the UFW, whom we acknowledge to be the sole and exclusive owner of the Trademark SI SE PUEDE, for granting us a limited license to use“Sí, Se Puede” in connection with our efforts to recruit, in Colorado, students of Hispanic or Latino descent for our law school pipeline program. For more information about the programs offered by the UFW, please see UFW’s webpage (; UFW Foundation’s webpage (; and UFWF’s immigration services webpage (