BLOG | Victoria Husher-Price


On the Path to Success
July 2, 2019

Two years ago, I remember being a senior in high school. I had always wanted to attend college, but never knew how all the variables would all come together. In the Spring of 2015, I found out that I was a recipient of the Daniels Fund Scholarship. Suddenly, the weight of the expense of college had been lifted off my family’s shoulders. Receiving the Daniels Scholarship was only the first step. As an intern for a local Judge, I knew I wanted to find a way to continue to fuel my interest in law and discover opportunities to prepare for law school. Then I discovered LAW SCHOOL…Sí Se Puede (LSSSP). Becoming a part of this program has allowed for me to prepare for my future in incredible ways. 

I remember my first day at the University of Denver. I was overwhelmed with enthusiasm and could not wait to start the next chapter of my life. LSSSP provided me the necessary tools to have a successful freshmen year. The monthly workshops helpedaddress my fears and concerns about being a successful college student. The workshops helped me acquire useful study skills, discover my strengths through personality analysis, and improve my resume and cover letter development. The knowledge I gained from these workshops will benefit me throughout my life. 

Now, as a sophomore at DU I continue to benefit from LSSSP. This fall, the program provided me with a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayer and hear her speak at the University of Colorado Boulder. I have grown closer with my LSSSP mentors and consider them to be one of the most influential components of this program. Through relationship with my mentors I have received advice and support that is incomparable. 

As I prepare for my Junior year of college, I look forward to the LSAT preparation that LSSSP provides. I am excited to continue to work towards my goal of attending law school as fellow in LSSSP. I am confident that success is in store for my future. 

Creating Equitable Paths for the Future
July 2, 2019

As a senior undergraduate student at the University of Denver, I realize how important Law School...Yes We Can (LSYWC) is in creating pathways for success in college and in pursuit of a JD. Throughout my time as an undergrad, I navigated through a variety of obstacles. As a student of color at a predominately white institution, I was faced with not only the pressure to succeed academically but also a variety of racial incidents on campus that impacted my everyday life, especially, through my leadership roles in organizations. While other students on campus were able to focus on and prioritize academics, students of color at my university were constantly faced with injustices that drained out time and energy.

My participation in LSYWC gave me the proper tools to adapt from high school to college academics, allowing me to create strong study habits and excel in my courses. Also, the program allowed me to stay on track in preparing for law school. LSYWC gave me preparatory opportunities for the LSAT that I would not have been able to obtain otherwise. The LSAT prep course that the program offered allowed me to improve my LSAT score in a way that will significantly improve my chance of admittance to law schools across the country.

Most importantly, throughout the years this program has ignited my passion for creating equitable academic opportunities for students of marginalized backgrounds. I strive to make college more accessible for underrepresented students. I am inspired by opportunities like LSYWC to help students succeed in college and prepare for their futures. This program and the networks and connections that have come from it have given me the confidence to tackle these issues. I currently work at the University of Denver Office of Admissions, serving as the Fellow for College Access and Group Visits. I plan all group visits that come to the university and help with college prep programs. I was just named a finalist for Student Employee of the Year at DU. My goal is to create an environment in which students can envision themselves at DU and have the resources and support on campus to thrive once they are on campus.

I have also had the pleasure to hold several leadership positions within organizations that have allowed me to collaborate with administrators to help improve the institution. Currently, I sit on the Undergraduate Student Government as an off-campus Senator and Chair of the Diversity Committee. This year I was able to pass a bill that created a Senator position for Diversity and Inclusive Excellence. Without my involvement in LSYWC and the opportunities it has provided, I would never have been able to excel at the University of Denver, creating a lasting impact for years to come.


“Sí, Se Puede” is a phrase born of farmworkers, who, under the leadership of the UFW, César Chávez, and Dolores Huerta, fought valiantly for equal protection under the law. As a result of the efforts of the UFW, “Sí, Se Puede” has become well known as a call that engenders hope and inspiration in those who face similar battles. We thank the UFW, whom we acknowledge to be the sole and exclusive owner of the Trademark SI SE PUEDE, for granting us a limited license to use“Sí, Se Puede” in connection with our efforts to recruit, in Colorado, students of Hispanic or Latino descent for our law school pipeline program. For more information about the programs offered by the UFW, please see UFW’s webpage (; UFW Foundation’s webpage (; and UFWF’s immigration services webpage (