Fostering Success at Every Turn
LAW SCHOOL…Yes We Can is the first law school pipeline program of its kind in Colorado – a program that targets high achieving college freshmen from diverse backgrounds and experiences, and mentors and trains them for four years. It is also unique because it takes mentoring to a new level. In addition to helping prospective legal professionals meet the challenges their predecessors faced, the program helps these students (1) identify the unique challenges they will face in the future; (2) cultivate the skills and relationships they need to mitigate competitive disadvantages that can accompany those challenges; and (3) perform at their peak academic, professional, and leadership levels while they are still in college. Through exposure programs, LAW SCHOOL…Yes We Can will demystify the law school application process and give Fellows access to the legal profession.
A Mentor is a knowledgeable and experienced guide, a trusted ally and advocate, and a caring role model. Mentoring plays a crucial role in helping Fellows gain exposure to the legal profession, reach personal and professional goals, develop competencies important for law school and the admissions process, and cultivate a professional network. Each Fellow is matched with three Mentors—a law student, a junior or mid-level attorney, and a senior attorney—giving fellows access to Mentors at various stages in their careers. Each Mentor commits to mentor the Fellow during his/her college career, including providing general emotional support, helping with course selection and work/intern experience, and clarify the process of applying to law school. Our Mentors come from a wide range of practice areas and backgrounds, but all have a demonstrated commitment to mentoring and community. Mentors are the foundation of a network that will support Fellows throughout college.
LAW SCHOOL…Yes We Can cultivates a sense of community among Fellows and Mentors, and among the Fellows themselves, because they are going through the experience of college and law school admissions together. LAW SCHOOL…Yes We Can is the Fellows’ first professional network, in which they will learn to support one another in their shared goals. LAW SCHOOL…Yes We Can involves parents to ensure they understand the importance of their support and the manner in which they can support their children in achieving their goals.
Our Fellows are from diverse backgrounds and experiences; and in many cases will be the first in their families to attend college. LAW SCHOOL…Yes We Can introduces Fellows to the legal profession and the law school application process through bi-monthly skill-building workshops or exposure programs. Mentors are encouraged to create other opportunities in which Fellows will gain the competencies needed for law school. Exposure programs include: presentations by law school admissions directors on the admissions process, what admissions committees look for, and how Fellows can set themselves apart; visits to law school campuses; facilitating admissions to nationally-recognized law school exposure summer camps; and presentations by financial aid counselors on paying for law school.
LAW SCHOOL…Yes We Can provides Mentors with resources on mentoring, benchmarks, and how to help Fellows deal with obstacles they may face. The three Mentors meet with their Fellow in person every month, preferably as a group. Mentors and Fellows are also encouraged, but not required, to communicate periodically via phone and/or e-mail. To foster the most supportive relationship, Mentors and Fellows are asked to commit to the mentoring relationship until the Fellow graduates from college. Fellows are expected to respond promptly to their Mentors and make themselves available for monthly meetings. Fellows are also asked to attend bi-monthly exposure programs or skill-building workshops. For those Fellows who cannot attend the programs in person, we provide access via live-streaming.
Fellows receive valuable training on skills that will equip them for success in college and will make them competitive applicants for law school. Skill-building workshops include: study skills, personal branding, resume writing, interviewing, securing competitive internships, personal statement writing, volunteerism, logical reasoning, mock law courses, networking, professionalism, and cultivating relationships with professors and other mentors.
Diverse students face a “shutout” rate of between 45-60 percent, based primarily on their LSAT scores—meaning, those students receive no admission offers from the schools to which they apply. LAW SCHOOL…Yes We Can hopes to provide stipends to students to attend nationally recognized LSAT prep courses, access to which is recognized as pivotal to diverse applicants’ success in admissions to and financial assistance for law school.
“Sí, Se Puede” is a phrase born of farmworkers, who, under the leadership of the UFW, César Chávez, and Dolores Huerta, fought valiantly for equal protection under the law. As a result of the efforts of the UFW, “Sí, Se Puede” has become well known as a call that engenders hope and inspiration in those who face similar battles. We thank the UFW, whom we acknowledge to be the sole and exclusive owner of the Trademark SI SE PUEDE, for granting us a limited license to use“Sí, Se Puede” in connection with our efforts to recruit, in Colorado, students of Hispanic or Latino descent for our law school pipeline program. For more information about the programs offered by the UFW, please see UFW’s webpage (; UFW Foundation’s webpage (; and UFWF’s immigration services webpage (