Law School…Yes We Can Community,
The health and well-being of our sponsors, mentors and fellows is deeply important to us. Therefore, the Law School…Yes We Can Board of Directors has decided to convert the 2020 Building Futures fundraiser to a virtual event in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The virtual event will go live on April 22, 2020 and remain available for you to view at your convenience through at least May 22, 2020. The Building Futures event is the primary fundraiser through which LSYWC raises money to, among other things, provide:
Scholarships for Fellows to take a PowerScore LSAT preparation course and pay living expenses so they can focus on studying for the LSAT instead of trying to work multiple jobs and still excel in college
Workshops for Fellows, including the administration of Myers Briggs and emotional intelligence tests
Resources for the general operation of the organization, including our incredible Executive Director.