Inspired by a Great Mentor

By Sadei Suarez, Fellow Class of 2017
University of Colorado at Boulder

The notion of mentoring is ancient. The original mentor was described by Homer as the “wise and trusted counselor”. However, in modern times, the concept of mentoring has found application in virtually every form of learning. Mentoring to me is not only a personal relationship but a professional one as well. In the process of developing myself, as a sophomore at the University of Colorado Boulder, I’ve encountered several people who have made a significant impact on my life. I’ve had a lot of memorable experiences- some good and some bad. Countless times I felt like I was losing myself in the process of trying to find myself. Moments where I took a risk and succeeded, but never without failing first. 

Few students can say they are fortunate enough to be encompassed by communities who care about them and their future. The people who impacted my life notably, not because they were assigned as my mentors, but because they take the time to listen, care and support me to keep pushing through. Because of their significant impact on my life, I learned the importance of relationships, of being able to listen and to support, but also to give pushback and critical feedback when needed. 

Carter Gee-Taylor will never sense the impact he’s made on my life. Through our experience, I learned that a mentorship develops over an extended period of time. During which my needs and Carter’s as well, tended to change. Carter is aware of these changes and the varying degree and type of attention, help, advice, and encouragement that I need. Carter has taken a special interest in helping me develop into a successful professional. 

The power of relationships is characterized by mutual respect, trust, understanding, and empathy. Carter has been able to share life experiences and wisdom, as well as technical expertise. Thankfully through LSSSP, I was granted a mentor whose made an effort to know, accept and respect the goals and interests of mine. 

There’s natural mentoring that goes on in my life every day, but LSSSP will forever remain a major contributor behind my success and achievements. I look forward to the day I can do the same for someone else.