An Insightful Journey

By Jennifer Enriquez, Fellow Class of 2016
Montbello University of Denver

While I was in high school, college seemed like a distant or impossible dream. Society and the stereotypes and statistics were always telling me that as a Latina of a lower economic status, college was a distant possibility. They said it was going to be extremely hard and that I would never be able to afford a school like my dream school: The University of Denver. I never let that put me down and I made my dream come true. Yes, I admit my first quarter was very difficult but I didn’t give up, I began as a Computer Science major and that was very hard. A lot of students in my class had a background in programming and coding and I came in with zero knowledge. Then, because Computer Science is in the Engineering department I had to take regular calculus which I unlike my other peers I did not take in high school. Although I was only 40 minutes away from home and my best friend came to the same college as me, I began to feel lost and alone. I’m a first-generation student and I had no idea what to expect from college but my LAW SCHOOL…Yes We Can (LSYWC) mentors were there for me from the very start and answered my endless questions and made me feel better. I was able to talk to them not only about grades and schoolwork but I also about my culture shock as a Latina in a predominantly white institution. Furthermore, I also knew nothing about Greek life but I knew I wanted to be the first in my entire extended family to join one so I went for it and pledged to the finest ladies of Pi Lambda Chi. The process was very difficult and overwhelming but I remember receiving a text from one of my mentors when I was about to give up, wishing me good luck and telling me that I could do it so I kept going and I’m really glad I did or else I know I would’ve regretted giving up. 

LAW SCHOOL…Yes We Can (LSYWC) has also provided me with knowledge I a very thankful for and appreciate at this time of the year. I am starting to apply for internships, jobs, summer classes etc. and through LAW SCHOOL…Yes We Can (LSYWC) this has been made easier thanks to the workshops. I didn’t know what a cover letter was or how to write one but in a recent workshop I was provided with the skills needed to complete one and successfully apply to internships and jobs. They have also provided me with interview skills and so much more. 

My first year of college has definitely been a journey I won’t ever forget and I couldn’t have done it without the help and support of my mentors and LAW SCHOOL…Yes We Can (LSYWC). With their help I know that I will make my dreams come true and be the first in my family to obtain a college degree.